BURUNDI: ElectriFI finances the electrification of 3,000 households using solar kits

In Burundi, the Electrification Financing Initiative (EDFI ElectriFI) is providing a million dollars in funding to the American company Amped Innovation. The aim is to electrify 3,000 households in rural areas using solar home systems.

Amped Innovation distributes solar home systems and other household appliances powered by photovoltaic solar energy. The company, co-led by Andi Kleissner and Kurt Kuhlmann, will use the EDFI ElectriFi funding to “actively invest in resources in Burundi. Amped will explore new business development opportunities, enhancing the potential for sustainable energy growth in the country,” says EDFI.

Amped’s investments will improve the level of access to electricity in Burundi. The country is one of the worst performers in terms of electrification in Africa, with a rate of only 10% according to the World Bank’s 2021 report. An average of 35 MW of Burundi’s total installed capacity of 82 MW was operational in 2019 for a population of nearly 13 million.